
SESTO SENSO 2 Animation

New SESTO SENSO 2 Robotic Focusing Motor

SESTO SENSO 2 – The highly accurate, advanced, vibration free, robotic focusing motor for your telescope! Connect it to the USB port of your EAGLE or Windows® computer to electronically…
RSF Series Secondary Mirror Focuser

Australian dealership for Rainbow Astro

Sidereal Trading is excited to announce that we are now the Australian dealer for Rainbow Astro. Rainbow Astro is a division of Rainbow Robotics, a professional mechatronics technology company that…

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How to attach your phone to a telescope using a saxon ScopePix

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Using Lunt Telescopes to look at the Sun

With the Australian Solar eclipse coming in 2028, it’s time to get familiar with solar telescopes. With Lunt telescopes you can see the surface of the Sun using white light, or Hydrogen alpha and Calcium-K filters. These all show different aspects of what’s happening there. If you want to photograph it as well, there are cameras for that too.